Revised 8/29/22
CERT Calendar – Add/Edit Event or Training
There are 5 Calendars with the following groups permitted to add events/edit (Elsa & Captains can edit anything):
- CERT Basic Training – Elsa & Captains
- CERT Events: Bureau Coordinators, Battalion Coordinators
Bureau and Battalion Coordinators, Use this link to add or edit CERT Events as noted above: DO NOT SHARE THIS LINK WITH ANYONE! IF YOU DO, THEY WILL BE ABLE TO EDIT AND ADD EVENTS.
Calendar link (non-editable) for everyone (share this one!):
You can hide the other calendar for clarity. Just click on the name in the sidebar to hide it. Click it again for it to appear. The CERT Basic Training Calendar is only editable by the CERT office.
To get started, click on the date you want to add your event (you can change it once the entry page appears.)
Enter your information:
Title: The name of your event – for example, Battalion XX CERT Skills Training & Review
When: Verify the date and start and end times. Do not click on All Day!
If this is a REPEATING event, please make CERTAIN that it is, then when you click in the REPEATS box, fill in the information.
Calendar: Select the Calendar on which this event will appear.
Who: You can skip this.
Where: Address, etc.
Description, enter:
The same title you used before
The event date
The start and end time
The street address, city and zip code.
Then enter your event description.
You can use bold, italic, underline, bullets and images in your description.
Use your return key to break up your text. Don’t run it all together.
Click on Save to save your event.
After you save your event, Check the Calendar to make sure all the information is there.