Get Emergency Alerts for LA City & County

LA City

notify-laNotifyLA is the City of Los Angeles’ official mass notification system used to send voice messages, text messages and email messages to residents and businesses during times of emergencies and disasters. Notifying the public when a disaster strikes might be the one and only safeguard the public can count on to save their lives and protect their property. It’s easy to get started. Just fill in your information on THIS WEB PAGE.


LA County

Alert LA CountyLos Angeles County has implemented an emergency mass notification system, Alert LA County, to contact County residents and businesses via recorded phone messages, text messages or e-mail messages in case of emergencies or critical situations and provide information regarding necessary actions, such as evacuations.
Register your cell phone number, Voice over IP phone number and e-mail address!


Watch Duty logoDuring the 2025 wildfires in Los Angeles, an incredibly useful app made its way onto thousands of residents’ phones.  “Watch Duty” is a free app, found in your smartphones app store.  When you set it up, do allow for it to track your location as that is what is important with this app. You can always turn off notifications of any incident. Learn more about it HERE.  It is a free app, but the company is a 501-C3, and they do take DONATIONS.