Shelter & Public Health Operations
Mid-America Regional Council

Training for Volunteers in Disaster Shelters: Universal Precautions (Captioned)

Training for Volunteers in Disaster Shelters: Confidentiality (Captioned)

Training for Volunteers in Disaster Shelters: Cultural Sensitivity (Captioned)

Training for Volunteers in Disaster Shelters: Initiating Conversation with Disaster Victims (Cap.)

Training for Volunteers in Disaster Shelters: Managing Conflict (Captioned)

Training for Volunteers in Disaster Shelters: Personal Care Items (Captioned)

Training for Volunteers in Disaster Shelters: Attention Deficit Disorder (Captioned)

Training for Volunteers in Disaster Shelters: Autism Spectrum Disorder (Captioned)

Training for Volunteers in Disaster Shelters: Working with Children in a Shelter (Captioned)

Training for Volunteers in Disaster Shelters: Assisting a Deaf Person (Captioned)

Training for Volunteers in Disaster Shelters: Assisting a Blind Person (Captioned)

Training for Volunteers in Disaster Shelters: Mental Health (Captioned)

Training for Volunteers in Disaster Shelters: Body Mechanics

Training for Volunteers in Disaster Shelters: Heimlich Maneuver (Captioned)