Captain Cody Weireter became our CERT Commander in August of 2018 while still being on call as LAFD PIO (Public Information Officer.) Through multiple wildfires, structural fires, trainings, refreshers, Call-out Team trainings and deployments, Captain Weireter has been a blur of enthusiasm, organization, leadership, encouragement but foremost, creativity in the further development of the CERT program.
We wish Cody Weireter, now Captain II, all the best on his new assignment at Los Angeles City Fire Station 92. Here is a great video of an Interview with Captain Cody.
Captain John Ignatczyk, now Chief Ignatczyk, was Disaster Preparedness Officer (DPO) which oversees the CERT program. This position is held within the Homeland Security Division of the LAFD. This position serves as an LAFD liaison to local, state, and federal disaster preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery and serves as a CERT Program manager and as the Disabilities Access and Functional Needs Officer (DAFN) for large scale disaster needs. He attended many of the trainings and was a great supporter of the CERT Unit. He put together a fantastic Emergency Preparedness Guide during his tenure with the LA Emergency Management Department.
From Carolyn O. Burleson, LAFD CERT Eduation Director, LAFD CERT Central Bureau Coordinator Emeritus:
John Ignatczk (affectionately known as “Capt. Iggy”) first came on board in 2013 as Disaster Preparedness Officer over the CERT Unit along with Captain Keith Scott as CERT Commander. He stayed with us guiding three different commanders (Capt. Scott, Capt. Winn and Capt. Weireter) until he was promoted to Battalion Chief in 2021. During his tenure, he supported CERT in all of our activities, from CERT trainings to call-out deployments, to information Booths at community fairs, to organizing CERT drills and refreshers, to speaking at CERT Conferences and to community groups, to recognizing CERT members for their achievements. He even came to my house with the CERT Leadership team to assist me when I was temporarily incapacitated. I cannot express how much love and respect I hold for Chief Ignatczyk! Congratulations CHIEF IGGY! I wish you all the best as you write this new chapter of your life story.
Captain Cody Weireter (affectionately known as “Captain Cody”) took over as commander of the CERT Unit in 2018 until 2021. He organized CERT refreshers and led the cadre of CERT Coordinators who organized CERT community meetings throughout the city.
Capt. Cody offered required training for the Call-out Team. Though serious in content, he was often quite amusing in his delivery.
The callout team flourished with many volunteers eager to serve until we were hit with the Covid-19 Pandemic. This brought everything to a screeching halt as Capt. Cody was assigned to the LAFD Pandemic Response overseeing city-wide testing and vaccinations. We never actually got him back full time before he was promoted to Captain II and reassigned.
Capt. Cody, I wish you all the best as you continue to build your career in the Los Angeles Fire Department!